Über uns
The company Expedition Anhängertechnik e.U. was founded in May 2018.
The idea to design and finally build an offroad trailer was born in 2017 on a camping trip with my off-road vehicle.
My off-road vehicle, a Jeep CJ7, was fully loaded with camping and off-road equipment. The equipment was reduced to the most necessary, because where should it be stored? Despite the removed backseat the space in the Jeep is limited.
That’s when I realized I didn’t want to go camping like that anymore. I wanted to be able to prepare fresh meals and not just live from a can. To have space for a camping table not only for myself and not to have to do without the amenities of camping in general.
The solution for me was a trailer that has to be as all-terrain as my jeep. An ordinary trailer, which can also be bought as an “off-road” version, does not fulfill all this.
This was the starting signal for my own offroad camping trailer. Only modern technology and selected off-road and camping components are used to meet my own high standards and the demands of off-road camping.
We do not want to bring a mass product onto the market. Our concern is to build the customer the offroad trailer that meets his requirements and needs and that is based on the most modern and high quality technology.
Thus, we want to be the contact for offroad trailers solutions – whether in the leisure sector or for commercial applications.
I am always at your disposal for questions and advice, your
Dipl. Ing. Werner Gabelar
Expedition Anhängertechnik e.U.